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IRIS Leads the Global Recruitment into a New Era! HR Work Efficiency Skyrockets by 1000 Times!


IRIS will help you complete 8 hours of recruitment work in just 10 minutes—are you ready?

In this technology-driven age, AI is reshaping our ways of working at an unprecedented pace. The latest AIGC Work Trend Index shows that AI not only enhances employee efficiency and creativity but also significantly reduces labor hours. Especially in the Human Resources (HR) domain, Gonex’s IRIS, launched in May this year, has become an indispensable part of the internationalization strategy of Chinese enterprises.

The core of this transformation lies in the astonishing efficiency of the IRIS system. Here are some notable user feedback data:

An Indispensable Daily Tool
77% of users say they can’t do without IRIS anymore. In their daily operations, they use IRIS for more than 19 minutes on average each day, especially when starting up businesses in new countries and regions, making IRIS their most important support tool.

A Powerful Boost to Efficiency
70% of users confirm that IRIS has made a significant contribution to improving work efficiency. Its wide range of applications covers offer formulation, contract management, email handling, job description (JD) writing, insurance, and physical examination among other important aspects, greatly enhancing workflow efficiency.

Significant Improvement in Work Quality
68% of users praise IRIS for its huge contribution to improving work quality. With IRIS, they no longer need to painstakingly search for information or consult experts. Whether it’s compliance issues or specific operational guidance, IRIS can provide accurate and compliant answers.

At today’s product update briefing, Gonex introduced the latest version of the IRIS system. This version not only deeply optimizes for global HR scenarios but also emphasizes the ability to complete a day’s regular work in 10 minutes. Key features of the new IRIS include:

Conversational Talent Pool: Intelligent dialogue, interactive talent discovery system
The intelligent dialogue function of IRIS is not just a simple query tool; it represents a new interactive talent discovery system. Through advanced natural language processing technology, HR professionals can converse with the system like with a real person, specifying their recruitment needs. IRIS can understand complex queries and, based on its vast database and learning capabilities, provide precise candidate recommendations. This greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of finding ideal candidates, making talent discovery simpler and faster than ever before.

Massive Resume Screening: Intelligent filtering, deep learning-driven candidate assessment
Faced with thousands of resumes, IRIS’s intelligent filtering feature uses deep learning algorithms to quickly identify and select the most suitable candidates. This process considers candidates’ experience and skills and analyzes their potential and cultural fit with the company. The intelligent filtering feature continues to learn and adapt, improving its accuracy and efficiency over time and with data accumulation.

AI-Assisted Resume Browsing: Crossing language and format barriers
IRIS’s AI-assisted browsing feature can process and parse resumes in various languages and formats, eliminating language and cultural barriers. Through unified and standardized information display, HR teams can access and understand candidates’ backgrounds and qualifications more quickly and effectively, ensuring an efficient and fair recruitment process.

AI Expert Resume Analysis: In-depth insights into candidates’ strengths and weaknesses
IRIS’s AI expert analysis feature simulates the thinking patterns of experienced HR experts, providing in-depth candidate analysis. This includes evaluations of candidates’ skills and experiences and comprehensive assessments of their personality traits, teamwork abilities, and career development potential. With these deep insights, HR professionals can devise more accurate and personalized interview strategies, making wiser recruitment decisions.

Global HR Think Tank: AI HR expert, covering multi-country labor and landing policies
As a think tank for global HR, IRIS provides real-time information on labor laws and landing policies across multiple countries. This feature is particularly suitable for multinational corporations, offering quick and accurate answers to questions about compensation, social security, compliance, etc., helping HR teams make fast, accurate decisions globally. Additionally, IRIS can provide services across different time zones and languages, ensuring smooth communication and collaboration for global teams.

Gonex is now inviting more users to participate in the IRIS preview test. Both Chinese and global enterprises can experience the significant changes brought by IRIS. Click to apply.

In today’s world of automation and precision, traditional manual resume screening has become a thing of the past. With IRIS, companies can not only significantly shorten the recruitment cycle but also make substantial improvements in the accuracy of candidate selection. This represents not just a saving in time but a huge leap in recruitment quality and overall strategic planning.

Choosing IRIS means embracing efficiency, innovation, and intelligence, jointly ushering in a new chapter in AI in the field of human resource management. As AI technology rapidly develops and is applied globally, IRIS represents the future direction of human resource management, opening a door to efficient and innovative HR management for enterprises.

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